Bermuda Triangle

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An in-depth study of the Bermuda Triangle, examining legends, popular reports, and scientific evidence that supports or refutes the mysterious phenomena reputed to occur there.

Part of the Odysseys in Mysteries series

Ages 13 - 18

Nonfiction, 80 pages, 2021

ISBN 978-1-64026-361-1

"Readers interested in an academic review of mysterious phenomena will be well served by this series. Each book begins with an attention-grabbing introduction—a young child’s past-life memories or Christopher Columbus’s Bermuda Triangle experience. But the tone quickly turns to a reasoned examination of the history, science, and beliefs surrounding each mystery. Readers will learn about famous tales such as H.G. Wells’s “The War of the Worlds” broadcast and Plato’s recounting of Er’s near-death experience. Colored text boxes and large photos and illustrations break up the pages. The books conclude with a bibliography, glossary, index, and list of websites. VERDICT Valuable research material for unusual topics."

School Library Journal, November 2021

"Readers with an interest in unsolved mysteries and legends will find a good source in the Odysseys in Mysteries series. Alien Abductions describes what many abduction and alien reports have in common, some of the theories that aim to explain such events, as well as descriptions of recorded encounters. Bermuda Triangle explores the history of lost ships and planes in the triangle, examines the lore that surrounds this part of the ocean, and provides accounts and possible explanations for the mysterious occurrences. Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) provides information and statistics about the similarities found in re- ported NDEs, the challenges of researching this phenomenon, NDE accounts throughout history, and proposed reasons for these experiences. Sea Monsters looks at creatures in ancient myths, literature, and in beliefs from different cultures; the actual marine animals that might have inspired these monsters; and accounts of sightings and research attempts. Digital illustrations and color photographs accompany the text, which flows smoothly and is well organized in five sections. As with all Odysseys series, the spacious formatting and narrow trim size makes the volumes feel more mature without resorting to densely packed contents. A bibliography, index, and endnotes with glossary are included. An enticing choice for tweens and in beliefs from different cultures; the actual marine animals that might have inspired these monsters; and accounts of sightings and research attempts. Digital illustrations and color photographs accompany the text, which flows smoothly and is well organized in five sections. As with all Odysseys series, the spacious formatting and narrow trim size makes the volumes feel more mature without resorting to densely packed contents. A bibliography, index, and endnotes with glossary are included. An enticing choice for tweens and teens who are curious about unexplained mysteries." Booklist, September 2021

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